This will make a nice big casserole and serve 6-8 and hopefully have some leftovers…
Fresh-squeezed fizzy Meyer lemonade
Pick a bunch of lemons.
Juice them.
Add sugar [or honey/stevia/agave/whatever sweetener you like].
I usually do about 1 c. sugar to 2 c. lemon juice. I think most people like it sweeter.
Mix well. I have a locking pitcher so I just close it up and shake like crazy for a minute or two.
This is your lemon starter — it’s good in the fridge for at least a week, probably much longer, but ours never lasts that long.
Fill a glass 3/4 way with fizzy water [or regular water, if you don’t like the fizzy] and a couple ice cubes.
Top off with the lemon starter — this is highly subjective, but general guidelines are as follows:
– if your drink is too sweet, your starter needs more lemons.
– if it’s too tart, more sugar in your starter.
– too watery, more starter with your water.
– too sweet and tart? Add more water.
I make my lemonade glass by glass — if you want a full jug all at once, just fill up your pitcher with water. Et voila!
If you’re feeling adventurous, toss in some
– strawberry juice [slice strawberries, toss with a sprinkling of sugar and a tbsp or two of water, let sit overnight, mash and/or puree, depending on how chunky you like things] – ginger syrup [I’ll bet vanilla-ginger is divine, too] – lavender syrup [boil, cool, strain, and store: 1/2 c. dried lavender, 1 c. sugar, 1 c. water].