Hey, what’s up with you on this fine, rainy Saturday?
I am taking pictures with the lightbox I just made* and I swear, swear, swear I am going to post some stuff on Etsy. No, really. I have a whole rack of earrings and a box of necklaces that I have made specifically for this purpose and they just sit, and sit, and sit, and I could offset the cost of some of my many beads if I would just make that teeny effort. And some of them are really cute and if I don’t sell them, I might start wearing them and I do not need more jewelry, believe that.
The lightbox came out pretty well, though some of the edges — let’s just say I am not a pro with the craft blade. I did learn that 1. it is good to start with a fresh blade and 2. it is good to change the blade more frequently and 3. I am not nearly as good at cutting straight lines as I used to be.
I need some better bulbs because the 20W CFLs are not hitting it, but that is all we have in the house so that is what I used. I think a trip to the hardware store is in order. I could stand having some smaller clip lights, too. And I want some other colors of poster board, the blue is nice, the orange came out pretty well, and the white — bleh! Very ugly with the CFLs. Maybe I’ll try some material, too. So the craft store.
Here is my narcissus photo from the other day. No lightbox!
And then. With lightbox!
My favorite buttons that I am probably going to hold on to til the end of time because I will never come up with something deserving enough to use them on:
Some of my brooches. I don’t know why Obama’s in there, he’s supposed to be on my camera strap. He’s from a really cool show we went to last year where this woman had painted portraits of all the presidents and had them all lined up and I had photos but I guess I never edited and posted those:
My little blowfish from Archie McPhee, which just happens to be at the bus stop when you come from the Space Needle penthouse and stop by the bead shop on the way to C+E’s house. Our little cat loves him, luckily I got two. I was thinking of making earrings with them but that didn’t really work out:
* This is the lightbox-building tutorial I used. I have some others [some of which are more permanent, one of which is an actual contained-in-vintage-suitcase lightbox-lightbox like you view slides on] bookmarked here.