This will make a nice big casserole and serve 6-8 and hopefully have some leftovers…
Have you seen Lisa Congdon’s A Collection a Day? It’s a blog featuring a new photo of one of the author’s collections every day for the entire year. The level of organization and the wide variety of subjects is just astounding.
I don’t collect things in any committed way except for building miniatures, which, as mentioned yesterday, fit perfectly in my new desk hutch. They’re a mix of things people have brought me and pieces I’ve acquired on my own travels.
Looking for new pieces to add to my collection gives me a purpose when we go somewhere since I am looking for something specific — it keeps me from desperately loading up on T-shirts and mugs and other things I don’t need and don’t have space for. I spent our whole visit in New Orleans last year looking for the perfect mini and had almost given up when I spotted the locally-made streetcar in the window of a tiny shop filled with zillions of miniature everythings. It’s a miracle I even saw it, but it must have wanted me to.
I love my friend Heidi’s wall, it’s covered with tin corazones.
Do you collect anything?