I finished sorting through the photos from our date day at the pumpkin farm. Here are some of my favorites:
I love the handmade signs along Highway 1 advertising this farm or that.
Arata’s Farm has been in the pumpkin business since 1932. They have a really big hay labyrinth and you can wander around the grounds admiring all the corn and pumpkins. It’s very picturesque.
I don’t know what these pumpkins are called. They make me think of Cinderella’s carriage, and the color changes from grey to blue to green as you move around. The owner told us they are the best for making pumpkin pie — they’re orange inside. I picked one out to bring home but haven’t cut it open yet.
This is mine. Is it not the best pumpkin ever?
Pumpkins come in all sizes!
Do people still call this Indian corn? Is there a more PC name for it? Native American corn? The colors are amazing. We bought some tiny ones to bring home for the mantle.
I came very close to bringing this one home, too. But I only need so many pumpkins.
Chad of the Corn!
This made me think of me and Chad. That’s me on the left.
» More photos from Date Day: Half Moon Bay / Arata’s Pumpkin Farm