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Last week we had a date day and went for a walk along a path in a park along the San Francisco Bay in Hayward, California, a bit south of where we live. We were in search of a sea glass beach a friend of mine had been to. It was very windy but the sun was excellent, and the path from the parking lot at the far, far end of W. Winton Avenue is wide and paved — perfect for bikes but also nice for a leisurely stroll.

Path #1: Hayward Regional Shoreline

Near the beginning of the path is a hillside of of mustard hiding the bulldozers at the landfill on the other side.

Path #2: Bring your wheelies

It was very windy and I took a bunch of photos that were big blurs, so I cheated and had Chad try to hold the mustard still for one more shot. He’s just out of the frame here. I really like this shot so it’s big. It’s larger here.


The path leads to what used to be a ferry landing back in ye olden times. There’s very little left except for little stubs of wood poking out of the mud.

Path #3, Hayward ferry landing

We did find a bunch of sea glass, I’m going to post those tomorrow. I will just say: there is a lot, though it is mostly not fully “cooked” [as I have seen it referred to while poking around the many sites that are devoted to sea glass, this meaning it is not as sea-tumbled as it could be and most of what we saw still has hard if not sharp edges and there are very few of the small pebbly bits that I’d like to find for jewelry purposes].

Isn’t Chad cute?

Chad, on a path

He is also eagle-eyed, he spotted this half of a robin’s egg on the path. It’s barely bigger than the end of my thumb and I never would have noticed it unless it crunched as I stepped on it.

Path #4: Robin's egg

So: there are paths along both sides of the slough but we took the wrong fork when we came back on the other side and ended up on the wrong path, which gets bushier and bushier and by the time you realize things are not as they ought, you are at a locked fence separating you from your vehicle and you have to crawl through all kinds of underbrush unless you want to walk the quarter mile back to where you should have gone to the right. It’s an adventure anyway.

Path #6: Wrong way

: : : Hayward Regional Shoreline

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